As of August 2019, back at home after six months on the road through Asia and Europe.
Commentary about setting up the blog and administering this site.
Greetings my lovelies. I am *the* Teddy from Where’s Teddy Now Pleased to meet you! If you’re visiting my Blog
And I’m not sure I’m back, not for good. Not just yet. But maybe I am. Hiati (plural of hiatus) are good. But I
In case this website goes dark for a bit (or forever, even) it’s because of this: upgrading to the latest and greatest W
As I’ve alluded to several times, I’m working on a larger and more public blogging project called the Blog@Calgary
In case anyone wants to reach me (besides leaving a message in the blog) try: calgary.ted at For example, Crystal fr
I consulted my son Bradyn about web domain names, and he suggested that I keep it simple. “tblog” is simple, catch
So I spent literally hours trying to figure out the php admin scripts so I can reset my mySQL database tables so that I could