Where's Teddy Now?

Life is either a grand adventure…

… or nothing.

There’s no little amount of conceit in that phrase. It presupposes the means and the privilege to travel. Twenty years ago, I would never have thought to have been so fortunate to do what I do. But sure, I am privileged to have a well paying job, a job that affords me the flexibility to do what I love, and a family that (seems to) share my passions.

So here we are on Day 0 – the travel day of our Le Petit Voyage to Europa.

The plan is to Land in the Netherlands, spend some days exploring Amsterdam, meet up with our friends the Brouillets in Den Haag, get ourselves to Wiesbaden, meet with the family of one of my students just outside in Bad Schwalbach, get ourselves to Prague (somehow), then to Munchen. From Germany to northern Italia to meet with our friends in Salsomaggiore Terme (they played bocce in my yard last summer), and then finally meet my mom and dad in Athens.

51 days, five countries (two are new for me, three for the girls), and prehaps a little more of a whirlwind than I would have liked.

SO what am I doing while we wait (delayed for two hours) for our plane? TIna bought me some Canadian flags for our last trip. We never got around to sewing them on. But Elliotte wanted one on her day bag, so what the heck. There I go. She’s a good traveller and wise beyond her years (but luckily for us, still a fun loving kid most of the time).

We’re training her to love and respect and understand (at least just a little bit) this big wide planet we inhabit.

This is LPV01 – one photo a day that represents something important from the day. Today, we move forward and into new territory.

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