I have noticed that people are commenting on things here. A wonderous thing, comments. That is, when they are approved. Unfortunately, for reasons particularly arcane and obfuscated, WordPress is not playing nice with comments. Really, a long story, don’t ask.
And for the record, I love comments. With anywhere from three to five hundred unique visitors a day, it’s really surprising I don’t get more. Making it easier to comment (and becoming the comment whore that I wish to become) will have to wait until after we move, I start my new job, I upgrade WP, and change my host.
In the meantime, some gratuitous Elliotte.
I create monsters.
Not Elliotte, of course, even if she is a little monster at times (she’s been crawling for less than a month, and now, we can’t put her down anywhere, she’s always pulling herself up to stand).
The photo above is Ti’s, taken on her new little toy, the Canon Rebel XTi. She takes dozens of photos daily, and deletes very few. A monster, I tell you. ANd don’t even get me started on my blogging Parental Unit.