Greetings to all who dropping into this site to take a gander at our Costa Rica photage. If this is your first visit here, then you’re probably interested in the pictures, and not much else. They’re on my Flickr page:
TeddyBoy’s Flickr Page
The Costa Rican photos are organized in a set called, oddly enough, Costa Rica:
Costa Rica Set
And, because some of you have been having trouble finding it, our Inglewood renovation pictures.
To find my (or our) photos in the future, when this page gets inexorably pushed down (as is wont to do on a blog), just click on the badge, on the left side of the page. It will always take you my Flickr Page, where I invite you to take a look around. I currently have about 1250 photos online, many frlom my international travels, and many from herabouts.
And of course, there’s Elliotte.